• true-0

"The two important things in any company
do not appear in its balance sheet:
its reputation and its people"

Henry Ford

True is an innovative semantic analysis and measurement system designed by SEC Newgate to provide the market with opportunities to acquire knowledge and to govern a company’s reputation, a factor which is recognised as being increasingly strategic in the activities of any organisation.

True was made with a scientific approach provided by Bocconi University, Imperial College and Golden, and developed together with Expert Systems, which are among the leading experts in artificial intelligence for language understanding.

Unlike other models in use that are based on sample analysis and which allocate a single evaluation (sentiment) to the various detected content, with True the reputation of an organisation or of a natural person is detected through the analysis of all public sources (media, web and social), and the content is textually analysed, identifying opinions, behaviours, emotions, all classified by using the Olson Circumplex Model.

Reputation is then assessed against five dimensions identified by scientific references taken from the most accredited literature (Fombrun’s seven dimensions) and which are integrated in light of the most current trends (ESG).
Weekly and monthly reports can be produced that analyse the absolute reputation trend (Reputation Index) as well as with respect to the type of source, stakeholders and issue.

The semantic analysis platform that is customised in this way, already has institutional and stakeholder engagement detection and analysis currently in progress, as well as including other tools developed in recent years by SEC Newgate, such as Stake® and GovUp®.


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